The Subtle Art Of Enjoying The Journey
Let's face it. Our world is obsessed with success. Whether it's summiting Everest, winning best picture, or the leaderboard in spin class, it's safe to say that being the best is coveted. What amazes me about this (being guilty of this thinking myself), is that so few people are ever the best at anything. Ironically, we hear endless advice about “living in the moment” and “enjoying the ride.” Our culture worships achievement while simultaneously encouraging us to pause and appreciate the journey.
Quite the paradox.
How do we strive to be successful, while still enjoying the journey? This conflicting message can create a unique form of stress and dissatisfaction. On one hand, individuals have evolved and are socialized to measure their worth by grand achievements. On the other hand, voices urging mindfulness and gratitude tell us that happiness is found in the small steps and daily effort, not merely in final outcomes. It’s little wonder so many feel tension between the desire to be the best and desire to appreciate the journey.
Why is it so difficult to resolve this tension? For starters, most cultural narratives highlight triumphant endings and record-breaking feats. We celebrate bestsellers and record-holders, but we rarely discuss the months or years of unseen toil that paved the way. This lopsided focus distorts our expectations. Winning appears more important than the experiences gained along the path. Of course, social media massively amplifies this effect, showcasing dramatic “before and after” snapshots while glossing over, or even ignoring, the messy middle.
Yet the journey is where real transformation occurs. Each setback tests our resilience, and every small breakthrough reaffirms our capacity to grow. The sweat, the tears, and the daily grind are not just stepping stones to a trophy. The journey actually shapes who we are and who we can become. If we can reorient ourselves to find meaning in small milestones, we uncover a sense of purpose less fragile than a single victory. By doing so, we can live more fully, recognizing that while achievements may dazzle for a moment, it’s the sum of each day’s efforts, and the person we evolve into, that creates real and durable satisfaction.
Admittedly, it’s tough to change our thinking to authentically appreciate the journey. Our world is wired to reward flashy outcomes and instant success, so finding satisfaction in the steady climb can feel unnatural. Yet by making a habit of appreciating each part of the process, however small, we can start the journey of appreciating the journey. This doesn't mean we should ditch our goals and stop striving to improve. Quite the opposite. Those goals serve as beacons that help guide the journey. We just need to condition ourselves to realize that they are just beacons and not the holy grail.