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We all put off tasks from time to time. However, procrastinators constantly look for distractions and avoid completing tasks. This avoidance can limit progress toward goals and interfere with responsibilities. It can cause problems at school, work or home, and in interpersonal relationships.

A host of factors might contribute to procrastination. Research suggests that those more likely to procrastinate suffer from anxiety, low self confidence and low motivation. Also, perfectionism is a common trait found in procrastinators; those who worry about doing something perfectly may find it easier to avoid a task than to worry about how they or their work might be perceived. Some may procrastinate because they feel confused or overwhelmed by a task, or because they are easily distracted. Procrastinators might enjoy the euphoric feeling that comes after completing last minute work, though ultimately work done in this capacity will not be done as well as it might have been otherwise. Still others may procrastinate because they do not like or value doing tasks that they perceive as unenjoyable.

Procrastination can have significant emotional and practical consequences. Consulting with a therapist can help one identify underlying factors that may be contributing to procrastination. In addition, therapy can help one develop hands on tools and resources that may assist in changing this behavior pattern.

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