Art Therapy For Right Mindedness

I often tell clients when they come into the office that art was our first communication skill, as we learned to draw before we could talk.
Many times, when a client is stuck in a loop, drawing can unlock some powerful connections that have long been locked because of how we create a verbal story to some of the places we feel challenged in. Whether that is relationships, work, finding personal passion or reaching goals, the story we get stuck in often builds upon itself. Being able to access art is an important aspect of quieting the inner story. Using coloring books (adult or child), having access to paints, crayons, sketch paper - all these materials awaken the right side of the brain that allows us just to "be". There is no story there, so often it is just the right intervention to shift a mindset when we feel stuck, like exercise, art is a wonderful skill in ones toolbox that allows thoughts to flow without judgement.
Create a space at home, in a desk drawer, or a basket on a shelf, that houses art materials you feel drawn too. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, just take 15 - 20 minutes and create. There are materials for people who prefer to have a guided experience, such as, coloring books, pre-designed fabrics, paint by numbers. Allow the creative juices to flow and just be. Check in with yourself afterwards and see, was giving yourself that time useful? If so, work to create time in your daily or weekly schedule to recenter.